Design Thinking as Life Coach?

by Stephanie Leung

Design thinking is used to solve all kinds of problems, from how a company launches a brand to the way banks are set up in a new city. It’s also how large tech companies like Google or Facebook come up with new products or solutions for their users.

At Arise, we counsel all of our students under the premise of designing a life they will love.

At Arise, we counsel all of our students under the premise of designing a life they will love.

As a practitioner of design for over 8 years, I can attest to the invaluable benefits of design thinking as problem solving.

As designers, we approach an issue by first understanding all sides, asking the right questions, and coming up with creative solutions for the issue. Because we are open to new ideas and possibilities, we can often reach solutions that may not have been obvious, but are ultimately most effective. Designers are masters at understanding problems, and breaking them down into approachable ideas.

So what does this mean for you? By approaching your life through the lens of a designer/problem-solver, you will see things in a new way, make connections that might not have been clear before, and ultimately choose a path that plays to your strengths and passions.    

Designing a Life You Love

At Arise, we counsel all of our students under the premise of designing a life they will love. We understand that success, both in the college application and in life, starts first with understanding yourself and having genuine passion for what you set out to do.

Many of you may not know exactly what you want to study or what you want to do. That’s okay! Enjoy the process of finding out. Focus on what drives your curiosity right now. What you find will ultimately become the basis of a winning college application.